Name Change for our Blog?

What do you think of the name of our blog – Brighton Banter? We’ve had a few suggestions of other names that we might prefer, so we’d like your feedback.  Please comment on the name you prefer, or a new one if you’re feeling imaginative! Suggestions so far:

Brighton Banter

Brighton Connections



Brighton Hub

10 thoughts on “Name Change for our Blog?

  1. Great suggestions from the Year 6 Community.
    I also like Makala’s suggestion of “The Brighton Bulletin”
    When will the name change take place?

  2. The students in the year 6 community were asked what names they could come up for the blog and this is some of their responses:

    Brighton Information Noticeboard (BIN) – because it’s like a noticeboard where information is put about Brighton. (Saffy)

    Brighton School Life – because you find out what’s going on in students lives. (Macy)

    What’s Up BPS – because if it’s nice and bright and if kids see it they might be encourage to look at it. (Riley W)

    Beaming Brighton – because I believe it should sound very charming and positive. (Taanish)

    Discover Brighton – because it is an intriguing and interesting name. (Jordan)

    Brighton Primary Updates – because it’s updating you on school. (Caleb)

    Brighton Primary News – because it is simple and memorable. (Filip)

    Brighton Bulletin – because the blog has information like a bulletin. (Makala)

    Brighton Catchup – I think that would be a good name because it is when the teachers and parents catch up and talk from Brighton. (Tiana)

    Brighton Primary’s Blog – because it is a sensible and understandable name.

    Brightening Brighton (Aynsleigh).

  3. I thought “The Brighton Blog” would have been appropriate.

    I’m not sure the word ‘Banter’ describes the content/ objective appropriately…

    Anything with connected and or news would be fine by me too..

    1. Thanks Liz. I agree the word Banter is not ‘sound’ educationally and we will need to change. We will do so in the near future

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