Cupcake Day

This Tuesday 23rd October at recess in the Shelter Shed (near the courts).
Calling all kids who love a cake stall – and all parents and carers that can help us bake!
With the canteen being closed this week (ready to reopen next Monday 29/10), we thought we will run a cake stall.
This fundraiser’s money is going towards updating the Shelter Shed on the Oval . For those of you who have visited it, you would be aware it could do with a good dose of TLC.
So please support this by sending in some coins for your child to purchase a treat + for those who are able to, donate some baked or purchased items for us to sell.
Thank you for your support,
BPS Parents and Friends, and Sports Committee
(Please drop your goods into the beautiful staff room on Tuesday from 8.40am – enter from the courts)

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