New Build Update Term 2 Demolition of LA4/Canteen

Things are progressing very well and our week eight occupancy date appears to be very likely. There have been some challenges associated with the demolition of LA4, with the discovery of lead paint in the building, unsurprising, considering its age. As with the removal of the asbestos, our parent community can be assured that all necessary safety precautions will be put in place and no students, staff member or members of our parent community will be at risk at any time! LA4, 2.5 and 2.8  students and staff  will move into the new building during week 8.

On the weekend of week nine, all the asbestos will be removed from LA4. No one can be on site. During week ten, LA4 will be prepared safely, for the removal of the lead paint, which will take place on the first weekend of the holidays. No one can be on site when the paint is removed. LA4 and the canteen will be demolished during the holidays with all safely precautions put in place to ensure our OSHC plans are not affected.

The renovation of LA2 will take place during the term two holidays, as will the front office space and Adam’s new IT office (old book room). The rejuvenation of  entrance to our school grounds from Highet Avenue will also proceed.

We are planning to hold an open afternoon, after school later this term, for our community to pay homage to LA 4 before it will be demolished. We are offering 500 bricks with a suitable plaque, for sale, both as a fundraiser and a memento-more news coming up.

Exciting times ahead for sure!


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