COVID -19 Update number 11

Please find information below relating to a range of ‘COVID -19’ actions the school has taken.

In keeping with Prime Ministers directive that all community playgrounds are closed, we have followed suit. By my reckoning our school playground is a community space and is now closed.

We have modified how we utilise our library at school, closing its use for students. However, class teachers, working in collaboration with Mandy are choosing over 50 books per classroom to be accessed in each class on a regular basis. When the books are returned they are disinfected, returned for circulation and another set of books are chosen. Students have been encouraged to help select which titles each class accesses.

Tonight after school, the five Principals from our Partnership are meeting here at Brighton (we will be practising social distancing) to share ideas regarding what our 4 Pupil Free Days will look like in our sites. I will take these ideas to staff at tomorrow night’s staff meeting, seek their input and finalise in preparation for week 11. As I stated in a previous Blog the role each Professional Learning Team (PLT) ‘plays’ in this space is critical. Once finalised I will share with our community.

As with any Pupil Free Day no students attend school, although OSHC is available for parents to access. If bookings look as if they will exceed capacity, we will activate the priority list, recognising that essential workers have first priority. No student work will be sent home for that week-just like any other PFD.

Our Year 7 community is currently trialling the use of Teams as an online learning option with all students at school today working on line. Students not at school also have the opportunity to access this ‘on line’ option. Congratulations to Candice, Nicole, Michael and Lucas who are exploring this with their students this week, in an attempt to iron out any challenges in preparation for term 2.


9 thoughts on “COVID -19 Update number 11

  1. Hi Ian
    We’re having the same challenges with Teams, zoom and everything else at my work, as I’m sure are many others. Very much appreciate how time consuming it all is! Just wanting to add my thanks for all the work being done. In particular the communication has been exceptional at the most trying of times. Thankyou to the team and yourself.

  2. Hi Ian,
    In preparation for term 2, just in case, is there anything that are being considered for younger students below year7? If nothing concrete, for daily interactive realtime teaching, I would recommend to look at Zoom Cloud.
    Thank you again for all the effort of yours and staff and have a great meeting tonight! Andrew&Andrea

    1. Thanks Andrea. We are using Microsoft Office 365 Teams and SeeSaw as our platforms and also WebEx. We will definitely have something concrete for ALL our students with regard to ‘learning at home’

  3. Thanks for the update Ian. If you’re in touch with colleagues up the road at Brighton Secondary you’ll know they’re also trialling Teams at the moment. It seems there are varying degrees of familiarity amongst teachers and, unfortunately, almost no training for students. A lot to get off the ground in a short space of time, but hopefully BPS staff and students will have an opportunity to properly onboard and orient to the platform. I’m sure that’s the plan.

  4. Thanks again Ian for keeping us up to date. We can appreciate how much extra time and effort is going into making this function. Thank you to you and all of the BPS staff

    1. Haleh-we are currently trialling Teams with our year 7 community-today in fact. It is hoped that we should be able to work out the challenges this week (optimistically) with the view that we will be online next term. Not exactly sure as yet what it will look like but once finalised we will share.

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